
Today is the first virtual support group. And today I woke up at the bottom end of a depressive slide. Yup. My mood has dropped, I’m in a depressive cycle. I could feel it happening, in fact I tried all my tools to prevent it. The mornings were the most telling or the fact thatContinue reading “3.24.2021”


I woke up today and instantly wanted to go back to bed…before I even left it. For the trillionth morning in a row (that’s how it feels) I’ve woken up with my feet swollen, face puffy and on body fire. My body aches are back and my mood is blah. Yeah. It’s one of thoseContinue reading “3.22.2021”


If there is anyone reading this… do you remember what it was like being ehhh anywhere between say 13-15 yrs old? That time period of an intense emotional roll coaster. Filled with angst, anger, confusion and pure rebellion. Anyone? Anastasia, (who is still a bit of a mystery,) is my teen alter. I’m currently guessingContinue reading “Anastasia”

What goes up…must come down

Being Bi-polar is new to me. Not like that, but the diagnosis. The answer as to why my mood swings like a pendulum. Why I have dips and dives. I can go from floating on a cloud to the deepest, most intense depression. It is awful. I haven’t looked too far into Bi-Polar Disorder yet.Continue reading “What goes up…must come down”

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